But don’t let that scare you off! With these local tips, you can keep your wallet happy and still have an unforgettable adventure. We live and pay our bills here, so trust us—we know what we’re talking about!
Why pay $2-3 for water when Iceland has some of the purest tap water on Earth? Bring a reusable bottle from home and fill up at any faucet or even a nearby stream—nature’s vending machine.
Pro tip: You won’t need cash in Iceland. Credit cards are accepted everywhere, and locals don’t do tips. So, save yourself the hassle (and fees) of converting currency.
Sure, Icelandic outdoor gear is top-notch, but it’s also top-dollar. If you’ve got warm clothes at home, bring them along and save your money for something more exciting,
like a tour on Europes second largest glacier, Langjökull.
Why pay for a tour when you can have the ultimate road trip? The Golden Circle isn’t just about Þingvellir, Gullfoss, and Geysir. There are hidden gems, like epic eateries, hiking trails, and more. Plus, you can easily tag on a glacier tour—your adventure, your rules.
We wrote a very
detailed itinerary about the Golden Circle.
Give it a read!
Public transport? Meh. Taxis? Way overpriced. Instead, zip around Reykjavik on an electric scooter. They’re everywhere, and since the city is tiny, you’ll cover a lot of ground without breaking the bank. Plus, its more environmentally friendly ;)
Don’t blow your budget on a cab from Keflavík Airport. The bus is ten times cheaper and almost just as quick, with multiple drop-off points in Reykjavik. Easy, peasy, and much friendlier on your pocket.
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Stálhella 2, 221 Hafnarfjörður
ID: 700896-2779